Sunday, December 12, 2010

Final project

In the movie Sleep Dealer the director is trying to make us aware of the danger of technology in our near future. Even though this is a fiction movie they are many similarities to what is happening in today’s world. For example we routinely use drones in battle, jobs are performed by machines and by workers outside the country that we never see and every day millions of people post their daily life activities for millions of viewers on internet.
In the film, one of the characters is a virtual pilot who “flies” the plane that kills Memo’s dad safely from a command center in the USA. In today’s military we have being using this type of drone technology since the beginning of the Iraq war. Pilots are safe in the USA while they fly their missions, but the critics have said that this type of technology can also lead to many errors like the reported bombing of the 14 civilians in Afghanistan. Those in favor of drones say the main benefit of using drones is the safety of our service men. While others say the program is flawed and is subject to computer, human and mechanical errors. Just like the movie a mistake is made in bombing Memo’s house as a terrorist target even though Memo was listening for fun to his radio.
Every day we are reminded that many people are losing their jobs to machines like in NYC where recently token booth clerks have been replaced by Metro Card Machines and automated entry gates at some train stations. The world that Alex Rivera’s has created has already come true with the many automated factories all over the world. I recently saw a video of a fully automatic factory that made pizza pies a food dish that everyone has only seen being made by hand. You cannot call a company up without going through a machine first before you get a real person and I have not had to go inside a bank for the last several years due to online and ATM banking. Just the other day I was doing some holiday shopping and my call was handled by someone in India. In the movie the factory foreman says companies get Mexican immigrant labor without any Mexicans. I say we are already on way there.

I bought myself a smart phone for my birthday and now I can take a picture, make a video or write a blog and with one push of a button send it all over the world. I and millions others do it because it’s a way of sharing our lives with each other not because we don’t have our own lives but because we enjoy the connections we make in sharing.Luz sold here memories for money because the people in her world had no lives of their own as they were disconnected from each other because of all the technology they were hooked up to. Besides Luz had to be truthful in her writing something we don’t have to do. Reading other peoples post can be an escape but it’s not the only escape we have. In Sleep Dealers, the people who lived in the cities and worked in the factories had no other escape from their routines because they had no time for anything else and plus the government controlled most of their lives.

The Sleep Dealer and real life have some things in common such as using technology to further business, to increase military weapons and to control our lives. More and more we see how technology is taking control of our military, business and personal lives. Today we see how companies can conduct work by using emails, faxes and teleconferences without ever being present.
  I used these links to find out about recent problems concerning drone use.
I tried to find the number of US Pilots killed in Iraq to illustrate how safe drone are but I was       unable to do so. This link was all I could find.
Outsourcing and automated factories
This video was interesting to me more than all the car factory videos I found
Social Networking
Didn’t have to dig deep for this one as I have a facebook, myspace, twitter and of course my very own blogspace account

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


     Today is December 2, 5:30 in the afternoon and I am outside the door waiting to take today’s CAT test. I cannot believe how excited I am at the prospect of doing well on the exam. The professor arrives at 5:40PM and asks us to come in with a big smile on his face. Immediately I sit down ready to go and I take out my reading glasses, dictionary and my two pens. Next the professor begins passing  out the blue books.I start reading the passages with a positive attitude and I choose the passages dealing the current pat down controversy. Whether we agreed or disagree on the new ways airport security is handling passengers security .I began writing without stopping and m ideas starting flowing from my head and on to the paper. The professor announces the time and it's now 6:40 and I was already writing my conclusion. I finished up happy because I have completed my work the best way I know how to.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


   Nicholas Carr, the Author of The Shallows states that Google provides the ability for many people to find too much information very quickly. He also states that “Who doesn’t love Google’’. At the same time he claims that what Google is doing to our people is bombarding them constantly with messages and other facts and that people no longer need to think. Google is encouraging us to think superficially and is making people  shallow and causing them to not use the power of their  brains to their full potential. As a student at LaGuardia Community College, I totally agree we the author Nicholas Carr because Google has made it easy for everyone and I can say that I don't" use" my brain as I did before Google.
   Before when people need it to search for information they used to go to the Library and really did the researches for themselves,but now as no need it because Google has everything available for you with toms of information that some time we don't know what to pick.So why not love it. In my opinion the majority of people in today’s world think that the majority of information that they getting is all true. How we know which one accurate just because is there available doesn't meant true.For example, nowadays if we asked a body a particular subject they don't have an answer instead the response is Google. People no longer stole important information like the way people did in the pass.Another example of that is that we can not memorized  facts, phone number, dates,  like the way we did.

   Google is also a big negative influence on our new generations because children don’t have any more imagination ‘’why have it” if our children only need to Google all the facts, pictures, words. When I was in school I remember drawing beautiful pictures, or coloring then, but now the only thing children due is Google print, cut and paste and print, so I don’t think that the new generation is really learning like the way we uses to learn before. What this is doing to our children as like the author states is creating children with shallow brains. That for me is very scaring.

  What people really needs to start doing is to pay more attention and allow the brain to work for what it is for. Even though Google has provided us with very useful information with all the facts. What we can do is take our power  back by minimizes the use of Google and maximizes the use of brain cells.

  In conclusion even thought Google is a good tool to obtain information I believe we should use it is part of overall knowledge instead of the main source of information.   

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sleep Dealer Cat 5

The Sleeper Dealer was a very interesting movie which showed similaties to the other two movies we have watched in class right away. In The Sleeper Dealer three strangers join forces to break free of the technologies which are controlling not only their lives but that of everyone on the country. The main characters break free by the same technology that was controlling them and turning it around on the government and allowing everyone to be free.

    In The Truman Show, the main character was raised in a TV studio in which everything around him was a setup and his actions were filmed and televised although he had no physical connections to his body his entire world was being manipulated daily. His entire life was happening underneath of a big dome until he started to notice things weren’t right and he decided to exercise his free will that he was able to break free of his environment and the control he was living under.

   The Matrix movie we have another situation where Leo one of the main characters was persuaded to see and enter the world where technology was controlling his life .Leo learns that the Matrix controls everything and the world he lives in is fake but he fights to help destroy the matrix.

    Nowadays if we don’t pay more attention we will be controlled not as directly as is in the movies but in a way which doesn’t feel like control. For example we are being replaced in the work place with new technology. No longer are we able to speak to a human operator, but rather we speak to a electronic operator first. Another example is the recent news that New York City Transit Clerks are being replaced with new automatic machines. Even our banking is slowly being controlled by technology with teller less banks and ATM’s.

   My question to all us is what is going to happen when technology starts to take control of more of our daily lives and jobs. I just wonder what could happen next ?.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

CAT # 5

     According to Larry Rosen’s passage he states that he is a strong advocate of children using technology such as Internet and mobile devices to do their school work. He also states these types of technology works best with preteens and teens as a teaching tool. However he also knows that children spend too much time plugged in and this can led children to have health problems like obesity but he has come up with a formula to help balance this problem out. I disagree with the Dr Rosen’s point of view that children cannot be denied the use of technology just because it helps them develop and grow.

         I strongly believe that all this types of technology are ruining our children in the way they interact with each other, the down grading of their writing skills and lack of outdoor activities drop. Children no longer interact like the way we did when we were children. Nowadays children no longer care if they are around other children or if any contact with each other. Interaction has become very limited and impersonal. When I was a kid one of the things that I enjoyed the most was having that physical contact with all my friends I couldn’t way to talk about what had happen in the school.  

    Today children seem to be writing all the time, but are they really writing? Yes they are writing in a way that doesn’t teach them to write in the proper way because most of the messages that children receive and send are not full sentences rather they write with code and most of the words are abbreviated. I don’t think these children are going to become good writers.

    For as long I can remember children use to spend so much time outside playing with their friends and we never saw the amount of obese children as we do today. Why play basketball outside when you can play sitting down on your couch. When teens play outside they learn techniques that are involved in all types of sports. By playing outside sometimes is the only way you can learn how to play a game also by trying and falling is the way children learn and grow up healthy and we a positive attitude.  When children play games at home they don’t learn consequence to the actions.

Technology is here to stay with us for their remainder of our children lives and beyond.  We cannot stop our children from using it for their school work however it is important to allow our children the use of this technology with some limitations. Sometime simple ways of learning can also be effective tool to learn


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

estrella: Blogger 13: Catw 5 How to do one thing at a t...

estrella: Blogger 13: Catw 5 How to do one thing at a t...: "People do better their task when they do single tasks and multi-tasking peers do poor task. According to the author there are many methods t..."

I believe your the essay is too short and I didn't see the author claim. The only thing that I saw is that you summarize the author evidence not yours. Next time make sure pur your own claim like I believe that when people multi- tasking.......... What you need to do is write some evidence and some examples from your onwn experiences. Keep working hard that you almost there.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


   According with article Happer's Magazine the reason why many of these companies likes to target a poor inner city communities is because many of this consumers are not aware of the risk by eating this type of fast food could bring .for example many studies have show that these companies like McDonald's, Burger King, Krispy Kreme have streaming grown because they main focus is to increase development in areas like where lower income families live. I totally disagree with these companies main concern to over feed our inner city communities like the one I saw on television.

     About two months ago, I saw a program base on how much fast food had poisoned our children. They pick a particular are in the Bronx where many of these fast food are located in each corner in other areas are next to each other for me that was quite disturbing now I can understand the reason why this companies choose that specific part in the Bronx' and that is why has been re name is over weigh community. The blame for all that over weigh population is to the amount of food that people consume is just because they made it so convenient For instance the author Greg Crister states that when the lower income get off work they into high gear about five P. M  to get a quick bite to eat. These meals are ship in convenient to the workers. The workers might get unhealthy because they eat this all the time. This should be a concern for all us and we should try to help to educate these communities especially with them the school system so our new generation learned how to made better choices.

   One of the thing that our mayor Michael Bloomberg has done is to put pressure on all these fast food industry where they need to place the calories count on each of items on the menu, so when people desire to eat in one of these places they can see how many calories that item contains. For me that can be a good thing because if we can pay attention to the amount of calories that one of these meals represents people wouldn't be so over weigh. If we can add to that people don’t exercise or do activities what is going to happen to our future generation. That is a question that we all should have in mind.

     Fast food is going to stay we us for the remainder of our lives so it it time to educate our new  generation that way children begin learning what is the best way to eat. The best way to educate our children is through the school system because children eat breakfast and lunch at the school. In fact, children would learn how to eat if the school provide them we a good healthy breakfast and a nutrition lunch. Also another way to teach our children is with the teachers they would have a better change introducing them the value of fruits and vegetable and the danger of eating fast food.

    In conclusion these companies don’t care how much damage has done in the long run. They over feeding by super size the meals and the main target is our lower income communities. We need to be more aware what we eating and help educate our communities.

Monday, November 1, 2010


The reason why I choose the topic of dairy is because milk is one of the drinks that I grew up with and I  didn’t know about its history and how it the milk industry went from small  farms to big corporate farms.
Milk is supposed to be one of most important essentials in people’s homes, but I was really surprised to read about the conditions that our milk goes through in its processing. In the early days of dairy farming cows were kept in overcrowded and unhealthy barns and they are fed with waste residue from grains used in nearby liquor breweries. By the 1800’s, laws started to changes to make production safer but with our refrigeration and proper handing milk quality didn’t improve very much.  At the end of the 19th century local governments pushed for the pasteurization of all milk which put a lot small dairy out of business because they couldn’t afford the equipment and the cost that was involve with it.
Today the majority of our milk is in the hands of a few big corporations and they are totally control of our dairy produce. Even though these large corporations have made milk “safe” It has been through processes which have caused milk to be unhealthy in another way. They have adding hormones, unnatural feed and new technologies to milk the cows faster.     
      The milk that my family grew up drinking for many years was the most pure milk that anybody can drink as it was provided for us by a nearby farm right after they milked the cow. These cows are not fed with dead cow’s parts or injected with hormones to produce greater amount of milk like the large corporate farms.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Meatrix 3.4

     In this segment we learn that majority of cattle wind up being slaughtered for the fast food industries.
 Speed is the number one priority  and worker safety becomes a secondary to the production. Meat packing
have been called the most danger place to work in the US. In the Meat Matrix video the owner of the plant
they consider the worker expendable so the safety is not a big deal for them. By the worker working an a
faster speed the increases the chance to getting  hurt. When this increases speed the meat have the
possibility to be come contaminated animal manure resulting in possible E coli disease.

Meatrix 3.4

     In part two we learn that through  Leo 10.000 minds have been freed by making healthy food choices. we also learn that diary farms used to be a very humanly run, but now they are inhumanly run by big corporations. Animals are keep in horrible over crowded conditions where the animals don't room to move. they spend they whole lives between the milking barn where they don't see the sun life or breath fresh air.The corporate farms also cute the cows tails and shot them up with large amounts of antibiotic RGBH.  Calves are separated from the mother and feed with a blood  milk mixture which may cause Mad Cow Disease. This disease kill cow as well is humans.         

The Meatrix 3.4

This animation film was very interesting, after Leo takes the red pill he see's the farm for what it is a large crowed, nasty and cruel place.The corporate world hasdestroyed the family run farms  business. Some of these farms has been around for  many generations but are they have replaced by big industry farms.

   Their intentions of these big corporations is only how to made a big profit and they don't care who is in the way. For them profit is the only priority so the conditions that the animals are raised  are horriable and the communties and the environment around the farm are polluted with all the waste.

    These corporate farms go as far as injecting hormones into the animals and adding vitamins to the feed,so they can speed the production process. With this process the animals can become contaminated with many disease that can kill the animal is well is consumer ,but this industry don't care.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cat 3.3

  The main point that the author is trying to make is whether to find out who can be responsible for the death of this young man. I believe that this poor man was place in a position that we can only blame the power of technology in this case. Internet has become the new tool for people to do these inhumanity acts.
When it comes to invasion of privacy the internet is the one who has encourage people most. In today’s society this is a dilemma that has many people talking about. This is becoming a crisis amount many school, work places, streets, and not but also in the privacy of your own home. The statistics on cyber bullying amount United States school system is on the high numbers. In fact because of this high numbers we are being watch other time by our big brother. I was not surprise what had happen to this young man because this is a problem that is increasing true out the entire world and is getting out hand if we the people we don’t start doing something about. For example, many of the thing that people do in the “private life” is there on business why make public for some else satisfaction. 
In today's world  the cyber bullying in not being addresses enough therefore is important to make this issue more aware throughout the entire nation or to make tought laws where people is aware that what they doing is a crime against people confidentiality like the author states “It can affect different people in different ways” . So is also important to educate the public by provide them with place where people can receive some type of therapy.
Technology is here to stay and is going to be part of our lives. So is necessary as parents, school officials and coworkers to be more aware of what people are doing so we can all help on what is becoming a big problem in society and hopefuly we can preven tragedies like what happen to Tyler Clementi.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Cyborg Advantage

The Cyborg Advantage  is an article which makes the point that between the power of human mind and  that of machines is a force which when put together can be a very powerfull tool.The author gives us an example on how average humans are powered with smart machines they can solve complex  problems and process information  faster and better together. He  also states that is a big debate between folks who love the modern digital enhanced life style and the ones who are unsettled by it.

   Nnowadays,it's unbelievable the amount of people who  find  it thrilling to use technology from the minute that they wake up to the last second before they go to sleep. It is common practice for these people to be on Face book, Tweeter, and Blogs posting, viewing and obsessing over them throughout the day and night.These are the people  who are so attached to the modern technology  that  they don't see nothing wrong with it or for that matter they can't live without it.

On the other hand. I'm one of individuals who are unsettled by excess of technology that I have to deal with everyday. For example, even though I enjoy some social network sites I don't like that everything is in public eye, also it takes me too long to learn how to use them properly.When I used  pen and paper to write my friends I spent less time writing and more time doing other things.What I also hates about these new technology is that people don't like to call anymore they rather tweeter or send a text message. Infac I notice when people is around other people conversations is out of equation what they do is looking to  their phones that is how they obtain a full conversation. I also feel that by  these online distractions  are taking away human interaction and replacing them with a touch of a button. 

I know that technology is here to stay forever, but I also know that I will never be one of  them who like to spend the majority of my day looking at a screen I rather see my friends expressions hear the voice and touch whenever I would like to.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Personal Electronic Devices

                                                               Claim ,Reasons, Evidence

   Personal Electronic Devices are a big advantages in today's world they help people stay in touch wherever they are even long distances and we can communicate 24 hours at day. electronic devices makes life easy for people like me who needs medical advices by clicking a button. these personal devices help many people stay organized on important events , also help me keep in mind  important appointments .
Reason: 1
When people own these devices they provide a big help in order to keep family  to gether . For example  I live in the United Stated in is hard for me to travel other time  and end up cost too much money. However with these fantastic devices it help me stayed in a better state of mind in fact because i can talk to my family on a regular basis like many other people who have  family far away. It is important to stay in touch with these handy devices.

Reason:: 2 

Now a days ,when people have any emergency they can call a doctor , look for the nears hospital or seek for medical advice I have a responds right away with these personal devices with these personal devices whenever they are.For instance when people are walking on a snowing day and it happens that you  fall down you can call for immediately for help

 Americans live very busy lives working ,going to school, taking care families. So  with tend to forget  this important birthdays, doctors apoiments,mrtting,butthese devices help us be more organized. In my personal life I have many things to take care during the day. By having these

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Artifacts # 3

     Jerry Springer's  TV show proves that Americans are willing to put their family issues out for the whole world to watch. People nowadays are not ashamed to admit to drinking, fighting , cheating and any other bad behavior that we can think of. These types of programs shows us how far we have come that we prefer to go on television and try to seek help while people are cheering,booing and laughing instead of trying to solve them by speaking to their priest or a professional counselor. It makes me wonder what is in store for future generations. Will they be able deal we their issues without an audience? I hope not because I believe that addressing family issues should be done in more personal environment rather that in from of millions of viewers.

Artifacts #1

     As you look as these women in this news story you can no longer doubt how much artificiality of modern life there exists in our modern culture. The very essence of what makes us real is being changed by millions of people getting cosmetic surgery all over the world everyday. Now days, the topic of most people conversations is whether or not they should have a cosmetic procedures,so they can look as perfect and beautiful like a young models on television. This new modern techniques have the whole world going crazy trying to compete against the aging process. Humans have always gone to great lengths to alter their appearance as I remember reading a book by the name Snow Flower the book was about a young girl at age of seven binding their foot so they can look different from other, but now days, that is no enough people are not longer allow wrinkles to show on the face also if their breast become saggy the put artificial breast. I guess this new moder artificial life is going to take us to a new world where we are not going to know who is who any more because eventually it will be more artificial people walking and that other would look out of place.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Artifacts # 2

The reason why I choose Madonna's song The Material Girl is  because I grew up in the 80’s listening her  music. The song on the surface was suppose to be about love, but instead love becomes secondary in her song  and we find out that money and materials things was her intension. Madonna is not the only artist who sings about money. They are many other artist who thinks that when they sing what is important to society is material. Today many music stations are playing this type of music like (You have to have J O B if you wan to be we me) or ( who can put the ring on me). Today, society are not longer base on nature feeling rather on your material possessions and is very pathetic to live life only base on what you have.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


The Warrior
       The reason why I choose this particular picture is because I see her as a strong women capable of fighting for everybody. I choose this character over others because I liked her pose. It represented to me that she is very strong , she has  experience, and she has the capability to take on the world. At the same time she has a face which tells me she can have mercy, courage and she is loyal to her beliefs. If the homework we did shows that this is my archetype then I want to be like her.

Many people believe the warrior archetype  has to fight and be courageous in battle to be a warrior but that's not always true. There have been many warriors who haven't fought with swords or killed anyone but still changed peoples lives such as Jesus, Mohamed, Gandhi, Mother Theresa,Rosa Parks and Dr Martin King just to name a few. I believe the warrior archetype has to have the ability to stand up for what she believes in and if necessary fight for it but she should always try to the peaceful way first. What matters is that she fights for her rights and for the peoples rights in order to have change.

   I choose this video of Ingrid Betacour because represents the warrior archetype as a women who was  held captive for six years in the jungles of Colombia.  Thought her time as a prisoner she never broke down nor did she give in to her captors. Despite being taken away from her family she came out as a fighter willing to continue the fight for the rights of the people of Colombia knowing that the same people who kidnapped her could come after her again.

The reason why I like Xena The Princes TV show is because it was one of the first shows that I watched  that has a beautiful women with a gorgeous body and  who is so feminine kicking some ass and fighting for good just like men have done before. However the only negative thing about the show was she had to use lots of violence to solve the problems she faced.

I tried to find a cool web site on warriors for this blog but I couldn't find anything that I liked but I did read some blogs which are about everyday people that interested me because I see more use to listen to how average people use the warrior archetype than the usual fighting stories do.

All the songs about warriors are about the military and the war in Iraq which are important but I didn't fit this blog. However I'm a big eighties music fan and I really like this song and it is called the The Warrior. Hope you will like it.

                                                The Altruism

File:Belisaire demandant l'aumone Jacques-Louis David.jpg

This picture is a representation of what  altruism is all about. The woman in the picture is willing to overcome any obstacle in order to go with her instinct to provide help where is needed. This is a very important moral value for many people who feel the necessity to do so. I love the picture because I see her and even though she appears wealthy she is reaching out with mercy to those who need it. She saw her self morally obligated to help the little girl with her father.

One of the missioners that  I admired the most was mother Teresa of Calcutta because for many years she showed so much compassion for many people thought out the entire globe. She went to places the no one that were not visited often and were forgotten about. Her mission was only to provide the food and care for many people who they were sick, dying and in desperate need of help. She provided compassion where it was need  the most. This is the kind of people that scientist should clone. We should have more Mothers of Calcutta in this the world.  

Bill Gates, is another person that has archetype of the altruism in him because he is willing to share his wealth with children who he feels  are entitled to receive a good education. Even though he doesn't need to share his money, his altruism guides his conscious to do so. He is a fighter against for children who live where they don't have education opportunities. He and his wife have traveled the globe to see where help is needed.

I found this story very interesting as not only is Jorge Gomez is a fellow Colombian but he does something really special that I have always wanted to do.Jorge is a school bus driver who makes $700.00 a week yet he has decided to share what little he has and every night he makes and delivers meals for more than hundred daily workers who wait on the corners of Jackson Heights.Even though he only makes a little amount of money he doesn't mind spending on total strangers and receive nothing in return except as he says to see a smile on their faces when they are eating his food.

President Obama gave Mr Gomez a medal recently and he was a little embarrassed accepting it because he says he only doing something his mother taught him which is to share.

I would like to share this link with my classmates who want to try  to doing some unselfish acts and don't know how.With this technology you can do anything you dream of.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Truman Show

The Truman Show has many similarities to The Allegory of the Cave and The Hero’s Journey . The show illustrate how easy it is to manipulate people and it also shows how a man can over come the manipulations by becoming a hero.
In The Truman Show , the main character Truman was a product of his own father ,Christof’s manipulation since he was a baby. Everything around him was a set up from where he lived, the place worked, his friends and even his wife. He lived his entire live under a dome on a fake island much like the prisoners in The Allegory of the Cave who were chained up in a cave since the were young and they were exposed to a world that it was created for them. In each case a world was created that was entirely false but true to the characters who were living it..
Even though, the Truman was constantly persuaded to believe that in the world that he was living in was real he began to sense that something was not right by paying attention to a series of little details that they were happened during his daily life such as the neighbors were always there on time and were so predictable just like they were a scenes in a movie , the traffic was also the same routine, the memories seemed to be too perfect that these details make him realize that something was not quite right, He decided to play a trick on whoever was controlling his life by making them believe that he still was being under their radar . Next, Truman began sailing away thinking he was going to escape and be with the women who he had fantasies for not knowing that he was still being manipulated by the producer his father. Truman was easily emancipated because he didn’t know for much of time that he was being manipulated just like the prisoners in the cave until one of them was freed. Even though, Truman was held captive for so many years he became the biggest hero for many of his viewers who have followed his life story from the beginning. 

The Truman show gives us an idea that if enough things in our life are controlled we will believe that what we are living in the life we living.. Its only when we question things are Truman did and start free ourselves that we can see things for what they are and make our own reality.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Allegory of the Cave

    For the past forty years of my life ,I never thought  of myself as being chained to  the power of the English language. Since I arrived into this country it has been very difficult for me to learn a second language,but I got tired of people making fun of me and also not being able to express myself clearly  when I need too so I start ed to put my mind into learning to read and writing and speaking the best I could.

   According to Socrates illustration “ Allegory of the Cave “,I I feel myself as a semi- prisoner from the cave because learning a new language for some people might be easy but for others like me it can be a challenge. Especially for the writing and reading part it has been quiet difficult. I believe that my speaking ability has been my strong part. Every day it has been challenges after challenge for me to take my classes as I am still in the process of learning. As time pass by, little by little as any human being needs to overcome there shadows and satisfied their thirst for knowledge, I started to cure my hunger by continuing go to school and make something of myself. I never knew,but learning another language is like being in another world. Even though, people on many occasions have mad feel uncomfortable I recognized that if you don't do something to free yourself ,you will always be chained. your entire live. Now, I have clear knowledge to free myself we this little power.
   I hope one day ,if everything goes well to become a social worker .I believe that where there is a will there is a way.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hero's Journey

    Wednesday,my day stared like any other day. I woke up 6: 30 in the morning to the loud sound of my alarm clock running to take a shower and getting ready and having my breakfast on the way to my door as I walk to my car I thanked God for the day the just pass in for the one who is just beginning. Started the engine and put on 1010 news to see was happen in the city. I was also looking forward to not to have any trouble finding park space around the school .As I walk to the from of my school I saw the line around the the school. Saw I knew that my day was going to be very hectic because for the past two weeks we were registering so many children coming from different countries. By 9:00 am we were already seen four Parents. One particular parent caught my eyes because she was having difficult filing out all the paperwork saw I asked another coworker to help her while I was helping another parent. My coworker was not to happy helping her because the only thing that came out the lady mouth was that she need it to finish fast so she can go to work. While my coworker was helping her notice that her documentations was uncompleted so she suggested to come back the nest day we everything that she need it. Lourdes stop helping her because not only she wanted to finish fast,but her paperwork was incomplete. The proses is very slow specially when children come from other countries. Soon after, I took over because the lady looks very poor an educate and crying because she said that I am single mom if I get fire who will put food in my son's mouth. She was so thankful that I was not sending her home. I took control of the situation took all her paper work ,but her son was constantly looking at me. As I was looking trough her paperwork her son was talking to her mother in her ear I was surprised went the mother y told me that her boy knew me I was surprised because they boy was new in the United States, “For a minute I thought is wear”.So I continue helping to make the processes faster so she can go back to work before I sent the lady inside we the secretary I went inside to speak to her I said Julie please the lady doesn't have everything ready,but please let her go that she will bring the rest on Monday because she do the rest on Saturday I took full responsibility thank God that she said yes. Is the processes finish I notice the boy didn't have the uniform or book bag or any supplies,so I asked where his supplies her respond was went I get pay I will buy them I told the mother to please wait for me I went to the parent coordinator to provide this poor women with uniform her respond was you know that I not longer in control of the uniforms, so who is it? The crazy Irene or no? If I asked her she will also said no to me because she thing that she owns the entire school and that she help pay for,so I went right to the top to The Principal, Mr. Lisa said what I wanted to hear “ In the back of my head I said thank God” My journey was not quiet over because I have to face the mean Irene I went with a face of satisfaction,but no to let her see it I said good morning Irene can you please give this child a complete uniform “she replied a complete Uniform why” We a big smile in face because Mr Lisa said her face drop. Okay go to the S.O. When I arrive to the S.O. She already had call the person and she only provide the boy we one shirt and the gym uniform why only one shirt because Irene said. the only thing that I was happy about the whole thing to see the boy and his mother we a big smile.I couldn't wait to go home and told my husband about what had happen in how I felt about it.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Technology, cell phones

     For many people new technology has been a great help but for others it has been a big disadvantage especially when they allow this type of technology to take over their lives. On many occasions I have allowed my cell phone to take over my life because I can't I thought I couldn't be without it. Technology is great but, not when we depend on it such much that it interferes with our lives.

    On many occasion I saw myself depending so much on cells phone into the point that I was distracted from everything that, I was doing. My cell phone was my main focus especially when it came time to spend time with my children. I thought I was a super women because I could play with my children, cook dinner, drive them to school , watch television and help them with the homework all while I was sending emails or receiving a text or hatting with friends. I know I was wrong because one day, as I was searching through the channels a particular segment on 20/20 caught my eye as it was about people who can't seen to live their daily lives without being on a cell phone. I was in interested and shocked at the same time as I never thought that I was one of those people doing exactly the same things. In one particular part they show a father whose playing with his children and when his phone rang right away the children became unhappy because they knew that their father was not going to pay attention to them anymore. For me that was my turning point, to not allow this type of technology to take control of my life or my dealings with my children..

    Since I watched that program,I have became more aware of when I allow technology to take over my family live. I believe phones are important and necessary ,but not to the point that people abuse them. In fact, my children seem to be quite happy since I've cut my phone time like one occasion when they noticed that my phone rang and they look up at to see if I was going to answer the call and when I didn't I could believe their happy expressions on their faces. The looks they gave me made me realize that I could control my use of my cell phone.

  Now days ,cell phones are becoming a risk for every one especially teenagers who are texting while they are driving. Many lives have been lost due this abuse of technology. Oprah Winfrey has become a great advocate to end texting and talking on your cell phone while driving to end all the unnecessary deaths caused by it. She has gotten many Hollywood stars to help her spread the message across American that local governments to pass tougher laws to deal with this problem. America public likes the idea so far..

   Cell phones are a necessary in case of in emergency. One day, I was coming from New Jersey and for some reason my car stalled out in the middle of the road however I didn't own a cell phone at that time. Now days,a case of any emergency I own a cell phone which I see the importance of having one phone.

   I recommend to everybody to have a cell phone because when it come times for any emergency you are prepared. However I advise you not to let the phone take over your life or use it in an on safe way.