Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Meatrix 3.4

This animation film was very interesting, after Leo takes the red pill he see's the farm for what it is a large crowed, nasty and cruel place.The corporate world hasdestroyed the family run farms  business. Some of these farms has been around for  many generations but are they have replaced by big industry farms.

   Their intentions of these big corporations is only how to made a big profit and they don't care who is in the way. For them profit is the only priority so the conditions that the animals are raised  are horriable and the communties and the environment around the farm are polluted with all the waste.

    These corporate farms go as far as injecting hormones into the animals and adding vitamins to the feed,so they can speed the production process. With this process the animals can become contaminated with many disease that can kill the animal is well is consumer ,but this industry don't care.

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