The Warrior
The reason why I choose this particular picture is because I see her as a strong women capable of fighting for everybody. I choose this character over others because I liked her pose. It represented to me that she is very strong , she has experience, and she has the capability to take on the world. At the same time she has a face which tells me she can have mercy, courage and she is loyal to her beliefs. If the homework we did shows that this is my archetype then I want to be like her.
Many people believe the warrior archetype has to fight and be courageous in battle to be a warrior but that's not always true. There have been many warriors who haven't fought with swords or killed anyone but still changed peoples lives such as Jesus, Mohamed, Gandhi, Mother Theresa,Rosa Parks and Dr Martin King just to name a few. I believe the warrior archetype has to have the ability to stand up for what she believes in and if necessary fight for it but she should always try to the peaceful way first. What matters is that she fights for her rights and for the peoples rights in order to have change.
I choose this video of Ingrid Betacour because represents the warrior archetype as a women who was held captive for six years in the jungles of Colombia. Thought her time as a prisoner she never broke down nor did she give in to her captors. Despite being taken away from her family she came out as a fighter willing to continue the fight for the rights of the people of Colombia knowing that the same people who kidnapped her could come after her again.
The reason why I like Xena The Princes TV show is because it was one of the first shows that I watched that has a beautiful women with a gorgeous body and who is so feminine kicking some ass and fighting for good just like men have done before. However the only negative thing about the show was she had to use lots of violence to solve the problems she faced.
I tried to find a cool web site on warriors for this blog but I couldn't find anything that I liked but I did read some blogs which are about everyday people that interested me because I see more use to listen to how average people use the warrior archetype than the usual fighting stories do.
All the songs about warriors are about the military and the war in Iraq which are important but I didn't fit this blog. However I'm a big eighties music fan and I really like this song and it is called the The Warrior. Hope you will like it.
The Altruism
This picture is a representation of what altruism is all about. The woman in the picture is willing to overcome any obstacle in order to go with her instinct to provide help where is needed. This is a very important moral value for many people who feel the necessity to do so. I love the picture because I see her and even though she appears wealthy she is reaching out with mercy to those who need it. She saw her self morally obligated to help the little girl with her father.

One of the missioners that I admired the most was mother Teresa of Calcutta because for many years she showed so much compassion for many people thought out the entire globe. She went to places the no one that were not visited often and were forgotten about. Her mission was only to provide the food and care for many people who they were sick, dying and in desperate need of help. She provided compassion where it was need the most. This is the kind of people that scientist should clone. We should have more Mothers of Calcutta in this the world.
Bill Gates, is another person that has archetype of the altruism in him because he is willing to share his wealth with children who he feels are entitled to receive a good education. Even though he doesn't need to share his money, his altruism guides his conscious to do so. He is a fighter against for children who live where they don't have education opportunities. He and his wife have traveled the globe to see where help is needed.
I found this story very interesting as not only is Jorge Gomez is a fellow Colombian but he does something really special that I have always wanted to do.Jorge is a school bus driver who makes $700.00 a week yet he has decided to share what little he has and every night he makes and delivers meals for more than hundred daily workers who wait on the corners of Jackson Heights.Even though he only makes a little amount of money he doesn't mind spending on total strangers and receive nothing in return except as he says to see a smile on their faces when they are eating his food.
President Obama gave Mr Gomez a medal recently and he was a little embarrassed accepting it because he says he only doing something his mother taught him which is to share.
I would like to share this link with my classmates who want to try to doing some unselfish acts and don't know how.With this technology you can do anything you dream of.